C.S. Lewis Saves Disney From Christians
Hmm - after Disney cuts out all the Christianity will the evangelicals still be happy? Come to think of it will even the non-Christians be happy. TLTWATW without Christian allegory is just - sad
[Does anyone want to bet Disney does not cut or severely dilute the Christian allegory?]
A few years back, a publishing house was going to attempt that. I don't know what they'd be left with.
We walked through the wardrobe, saw a lamp, came back. It was like no time had passed.
Also, we have a state muffin. Neener.
Pfft. Who doesn't?
NY has a state fossil (Eurypterus remipes), and a state fish (brook trout).
Hmm - after Disney cuts out all the Christianity will the evangelicals still be happy?
Is the religious right ever happy? About anything?
Does anyone want to bet Disney does not cut or severely dilute the Christian allegory?
Wouldn't that just make it suck? Not that Disney isn't against making a sucky movie, but still I don't think they'll try to mess with it too much aside from necessary book to TV stuff. It's too established, like LOTR.
Is the religious right ever happy? About anything?
They're happy about the idea that the world will come to flaming ruin, and then they can ascend and go Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaaa. "We are so righteous! You are so lame and suffering eternal torment."
t /Religious Right vs. Snacky's Law
TLTWATW without Christian allegory is just - sad
Pfffft. All I'm going to say about that. Though it is a very Lewisian sentiment.
FWIW, I had no idea anything in TLWAW was supposed to be Christian allegory when I read it as a kid. Of course, I also didn't like it enough to read the rest of the series, so take from that what you will.
I'm just not sure removing the Christian allegory means removing the magic/fantasy.
We have a state fossil (the Tully Monster, who knew?) but nothing else good.
They're happy about the idea that the world will come to flaming ruin, and then they can ascend and go Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaaa. "We are so righteous! You are so lame and suffering eternal torment."
What they don't know is that the flaming ruin will all be special effects and after they've all be raptured we can get on with things.
I don't know that Missouri has anything all that great state-object wise. We're just supposed to be skeptical of anything we can't witness first hand.