Oooh, Sophia, I'd seriously think about taking her up on that offer.
Adam "Darth" Sandler
And I'd like to add to the consciousness discussion: some people believe that your mind "dies" each time you fall into deep sleep, and is rebooted when you wake up. You, in a sense, live no longer than you stay fully awake, at a time.
Never. Sleeping. Again.
This should be even more fun than when you quit the diet pills.
Official State Foods.
I don't see why Massachusetts gets to have a state dessert and a state cookie. I think they should have to pick one.
I think they should have to pick one.
Sometimes a cookie is more of a snack than a dessert. Do they have a state snack?
You, in a sense, live no longer than you stay fully awake, at a time.
When you fall asleep the body snatcher's get you. It's true, I saw it on TV, it even happened to Donald Sutherland.
Well, they have a state muffin, which is a snack food. But it's a corn muffin, which is a different sort of snack than a cookie.
I don't see why Massachusetts gets to have a state dessert and a state cookie. I think they should have to pick one.
Also, we have a state muffin. Neener.
C.S. Lewis Saves Disney From Christians
Hmm - after Disney cuts out all the Christianity will the evangelicals still be happy? Come to think of it will even the non-Christians be happy. TLTWATW without Christian allegory is just - sad
[Does anyone want to bet Disney does not cut or severely dilute the Christian allegory?]