What are your plans for the long weekend (if you have to work on Monday - spew about your job/boss/company)?
I'll be spending half of it at home, helping Dad with Mom-care. The other half will involve RotS and G&Ts. The quantity of the last part will depend on how the first two go.
Where was your best vacation ever and why was it so freakin awesome?
I spent four days in Amsterdam, just last month. Four days of seeing some of the best art in the world, interacting with some terrific people, and seeing a beautiful city--I loved it. It was my first time in Europe (unless you count Iceland) and I can't wait to go back.
I missed the dinner for the seniors this year, should I 1)bake them all cookies and frost '05 on them? 2)bake a nice cake for them? 3)bake cupcakes and frost '05 on them? 4)buy them all '05 keychains?
Cookies. Frosting optional.
say something happymaking or nice that has happened this week.
I had home-made strawberry biscuits.
Recipe: Take a whole lot of strawberries, smush them up and add a couple teaspoons of sugar to draw out the juices. Bake a few biscuits. Butter the biscuts. Slather them with the berries. Drown the whole thing in whipped cream. Be sure to use real berries, butter, and cream for this--fake versions are blasphemous. It's way better than strawberry shortcake because it's not overwhelmingly sweet--the biscuits add a touch of richness and buttery goodness and crunch.