It doesn't look like it's hit the internet yet, but it's right near 181st St. Police may be evacuating the area (they're not sure yet how much of the rest of that bit of land is unstable).
Nobody knows yet how many cars were under there. At least it wasn't rush hour yet.
They have pictures on, and good lord!
Oh my god! I hope they're able to get everyone out.
NBC is saying now they don't think anyone was caught underneath. Which would be amazingly lucky, if it's true.
Holy cow!
Matt: the questions I ask in interviews are very much about personal likes/dislikes on work environment (do you like working alone or in groups, do you like structured or unstructured time, do you like working on deadlines or having day-to-day tasks) and company culture (do you like a casual or formal environment).
Also, what kind of boss do you like?
What was your favorite job and why?
What was your least favorite job and why? (those last two really pull out some good answers!)
Then there's the ever-annoying question, "What is your biggest weakness?"
Clever applicants can give an answer that still reflects positively on them, but I still dislike the question....
Why did I just reload the page before hitting post?
Matt, I ask them which of the skills they've listed that they enjoy using the most, and which the least. You can assess candour here, as well as fit for the position and the future of the position.
Also, "If you were a tree, what kind would you be?"
Don't ask that.