Mal to the rescue!
The lone a/c maintenance dude stopped me en route to my car to tell me he hadn't forgotten about me, he's waiting for a motor to arrive. Which is reassuring and I was very nice to him. And funny. I suspect anyone who deals with me in any sort of customer service role thinks I am schizo. Give me bad service (not talking about bad news, just bad customer service) and I become a real hardass, and tell you how to do your job. Start doing it, and I become sweetness and light. And I can do this in the same phone call/interaction.
I think I might be a difficult customer.
Seriously, my baby purchases alone probably account for that.
Oh, yeah. Seriously expensive little buggers, aren't they?
Someone's been beefing up for the
Worst Spy IN THE WORLD competition. First, no one thinks to keep their eyes on the priceless Rambaldi papers during the auction? Second, Vaughn and Dixon blithely sit there while the guy sweetens his coffee with cyanide? Guys, I saw that one coming, and I'm not supposed to be a first-class spy.
I also haven't had problems with my CC feed from TWC.
I am concerned, however, that Jesse's mom is giving her 18 or 19 year old self all this advice about DRINKING! Very shocking.
My mom (and/or her friends) knows what's up. And I was 17.
I'm catching up on QaF and you know, I'd be happy to delight Brian Kinney.
Oh god yeah.
Question about last night's
what exactly does the Rambaldi device do? Does it actively cause aggression in people and/or bees? What does it have to do with the orchid and the stuff that Sloane has been putting in the water all over the world? This is the first season I've watched this show, so probably a lot of this stuff was covered in past seasons, but I'm adrift.
Also, question for NYCistas: I'm leaving for my trip from JFK tomorrow evening. I'm planning to take a bus from Hartford into the city, which puts me at Port Authority. How long should I expect it to take to get to JFK from PA, and what's the best way to do it?
Oooh! Good link, tommyrot!
I am such a nerd.
Kate P, near as I can tell it
does anything they want it to do convenient to the plot.
From the PA, you can take the E train to Jamaica Station in Queens, and then take the AirTrain to JFK. It costs $2 for the subway, and $5 for the AirTrain. It shouldn't take more than 40 minutes, but I would plan for an hour, just to be on the safe side.