Timelies! I seem to be running on nervous energy this week. I was awake past 2AM last night, and I still feel very awake this morning. I am almost too jittery to focus. It's like I had caffeine.
I wonder if we'll get to see Veronica Mars, ever. Maybe someone will pick it up as a summer series.
Maybe a show
All my coolness has fled. I stayed over at the parents' last night so Mom could borrow my car today, and found out that they like to stay up much later at night than I do.
it isn't a groundless exercise in hormonal satisfaction?
Silly Kat. We have grounds-- it's
Teh hottness
There, there, Matt. Maybe you can stay up late at the F2F like one of the big kids. How would that be?
I should just give up, start wearing golf clothes, and give them an allowance.
DX, how is the palm pilot working out?
They COULD have stiffed the cabbie. But they didn't.
Actually, they couldn't have. The rules say you have to pay off your cab. (Which can also be accomplished by negotiating a lower rate, but since they didn't do that, they owed him the full metered amount.)
All my coolness has fled. I stayed over at the parents' last night so Mom could borrow my car today, and found out that they like to stay up much later at night than I do.
Heh. The last time I stayed with my SoCal grandmother, I always went to bed before her. At least I had the time zone excuse...