Yes, Kat, my recaps. I'm looking forward to writing them. I hope that I am up to the challenge that will "Chaotic."
It made me almost sad. It was all slasher flick cliche. But, you know, not the first time I've felt let down by a TV writer. I think I'm getting used to it.
And wow I don't like her mom. Good call, Veronica, cut that dead weight loose.
Yes, Kristen, in agreement with you 100%. (on both points)
One thing I'll say for Rob Thomas, he at least made a truly passable attempt at holding an arc together, in ways that JJ would never get. So, that's a bright side. But I wasn't watching for the arc. I was watching for the hotness that is Logan. So the ending totally
bummed me out. But when he was on the bridge, it was all sadness.
I assume that it was
Logan at the door.
VM made me laugh and laugh and laugh. I enjoyed it well enough. Ending was way...nothing, though.
Kat, it damned well better be
Logan at the door. I'm not having any of this Duncan Kane crap.
Also, in fairness,
I did like the episode more or less. Maybe it was a little rushed but I can forgive. That one blonde chick in the woods moment though bugged.
Logan calling Veronica from the police station cracked my shit up.
oh, the solarplex hit of
Logan finding out that Veronica turned him in.
Also, was giddy at
Weevil's handling of the pipe when the police show up.
It was fine. Not enough Logan, frankly.
They need a Logan spinoff.
I gotta admit, the Veronica
emotional issues, except for her mother,
didn't get to me that much. There was too much
coincidental oversight
on her part, in combination with
really lousy judgment.
So I was emotionally disengaged.
I'm in it for the Logan, lemme tell you.
I would absolutely be up for that.
Okay, we have three for Logan Show.