Especially hands. I have always been attracted to people with hands that look like they've been used.
Silly Story as I am 32 ish
I think this started for me in high school with mandatory squae dancing in gym. Like choosing teams, this was bad because boys got to choose the girls they danced with and I did not have male friends in my gym class.
Anyway, on of the other "not chosen" was a boy named Pepsy Kettavong who was/is a sculptor and a refugee from Laos. My friend Judy always said he had "dry carroty feeling hands" but I always prefered that and his quiet dignity to the sweaty gross palms of the other boys although we barely said 2 words to each other.
And he is still an artist [link]
I feel such regret sometimes at the people I was not friends with during high school due to being both too shy and too concerned with what other people thought of me...