On the other hand, one of the things I find most attractive about a person, in real life, is looking useful. When I was younger, I couldn't wait to have hands like my aunts at the farm, calloused and whith dirt under the nails. I love how I look when I am doing costumes all day, and I have paint under my nails... I have been DOING something.
OH yes. This! Especially hands. I have always been attracted to people with hands that look like they've been used.
BREAKING NEWS: Grenade thrown in front of Bush in Georgia; more to come
Was I the only one thinking "Georgia? Like, Atlanta? Didn't they vote for him?"
I ALWAYS dry my jeans in the dryer.
Me too. And I always buy them slightly too big because I carry my keys in the front pocket and wallet in the back and that doesn't work if I buy 'em the "right" size.
Anyway, I'm avoiding writing employee evaluations on two young engineers who work for me so I found some fun Grey's Anatomy stuff instead. Here's the mom of the twins that played the cutie toddler on this week's ep, talking it up at ABC's message boards. [link]
I got girlier as I got older. I learned to avoid fad fashion at all costs because often, it makes me look like a lump. The more confident I got with myself and comfortable with my individual style, the sexier I felt. And I think it showed. I love to have the time to primp--wash, tone, moisturize, makeup and do my nails, etc. It feels luxurious and that always makes me feel better. Sadly, I'm lacking the time these days. But DH tends to tell me I'm cute or sexy when I'm a bit disheveled or have bedhead so it's not so bad.
Nary a day goes by that MM doesn't call me "Beautiful."
Of course, he has the goatee which = evil so this might not be a nice thing.
Did anyone else see this headline a few days ago: "Bush dog's vasectomy reversed" and think, I know we're all about the intimate details of famous people's lives, but this is a little much! Cause, uh, I did. Until I clicked through and realized they meant bush dog as in the zoo animal. Not the First Pooch, if there is one.
The more confident I got with myself and comfortable with my individual style, the sexier I felt.
That's what I'm talking about.