I missed a really interesting coversation, looks like! I'm killing the next hour until my phone interview (meep!), so I'm going to distract myself by talking about it long after it's ended.
I dress and primp for myself. I've gone through all kinds of phases in my style from huge flannel shirts and ripped jeans in high school (hello, early 90's) to everything from hippie flowy skirts to crazy short punk minis in college...and then to more conservative suits when I started teaching (since at the time I was only four years older than most of my students). Only in the past couple of years have I finally settled into the weird style that is really mine. It is comfortable, but it is also somewhat sexy. I love getting dressed up (though I don't necessarily mean dressed up in a formal sense--any type of going out outfit counts, even if it's just going out to see friends). If people think I look sexy, that's fine, but that's not really why I dress the way I do. I like the way I look when I take some time with make-up and such, and I sure as hell don't wax for anyone but myself. I'm certainly not saying that I don't think at all about how other people view me, but I know it's not just for them since I tend to get made up and dressed up even when I'm not going out.
This long rambling post brought to you courtesy of pre-interview jitters.
You poor dear, all eaten up with the morbid shyness and visceral rejection of all things female like you are. '
Gracious, yes. That's me, alright.
::hands Jilli a consolatory petit four and a lace handkerchief misted with lavender water::
Ooh! Tiny cakes!
All of my jeans have spandex in them. It's the only way they'll fit right out of the dryer.
t looks at wardrobe
What the hell does mine say baout me, sexually, I wonder?
My jeans all have stretch, too. The better to show off my ass femininity.
Right now, however, I am wearing leather pants, and am on my way out the door. (NYC-based TAR fans are encouraged to watch CBS news after the finale tonight and tell me how good my ass looks.)
My jeans all have stretch, too. The better to show off my ass femininity.
Me, too. My femininity needs the extra give.
Sorry Jessica. My tweed pants are preventing my sexual opinions of asses to be properly given.
My BF is like Robin's. He told me later that when we first met he found himself aroused by one of my features I used to be horribly self-conscious of.
I'm no longer self-conscious about it because I got rid of it, but he supported that decision, too.
ut, am I the only one who makes sure her underpants and bra are at least in the same color family? When I just grab the first clean ones and they *don't* match at all, I feel off all day.
You know, I think that this is a family/mother thing. The only time I care if they match is if, um, someone else might see it. And it’s not like he really cares anyway. I find that people either don’t give a damn or are very adamant about it.
I wear makeup, but not all of the time. The only thing that is always on my face is a tinted moisturizer (which is harldy noticeable on my dark skin, I’m not quite sure why I bother). I will often throw on some eyeliner. If I am going out, or have an important meeting, I will add some subtle eyeshadow in a dark rose or Urban Decay’s roach (a sort of peachy brown. Or browny peach). If I’m going way out at night, I’ll do the whole 2/3 color eyeshadow, mascara, etc. Lips are usually Vaseline lip balm, or Aveda Lipshine. Sometimes a dark lipstick if I’m feeling naughty.
more to come
More grenades?
If God is merciful
It is comfortable, but it is also somewhat sexy.
Ah, yeah, it is.