I so do not have the makeup-wearing gene.
Me. No skill at all.
I make an attempt with mascara and a lip pencil (for some reason, regular lipstick burns my lips, makes them peel), but that is all I have any kind of aptitude for. And the pencil? Wears off so fast, it's hardly worth it.
I end up wiping the rim left around my lips after my first drink with a 'at least I tried' resignation.
In completely unrelated news, I am relieved.
It* was created to 'settle' a dispute betwen a friend of mine in which he claimed that 40 weaponless midgets could defeat 1 lion in a hypothetical fight. Many of my other friends and I tried to convince him that the lion would definitely win, but he would not back down from his argument. After seeing another fake article posing as BBC about 'zombism' in Cambodia, I got the idea to make this fake news article to try and convince him for the final time.
*It = [link]
But, am I the only one who makes sure her underpants and bra are at least in the same color family? When I just grab the first clean ones and they *don't* match at all, I feel off all day.
I do this, too. As for makeup, I wear it on weekdays but not on weekends. I don't wear much and like to look like I don't have any on (except for lipstick - I like a dark lipstick). I use foundation (lightly), powder, cream blush, and lipstick. Curl the eyelashes but don'w mascara them.
Clotheswise, I pretty much wear jeans every day of my life. It goes something like this:
- Fall/Winter: Jeans, black turtleneck, black boots.
- Spring/Summer: Jeans, short-sleeved black sweater, flip-flops
I throw in something fun and sparkly on occasion. When I'm going out, I like to include some eyeliner and sparkly eyeshadow and a sexy shirt. Still in jeans for the most part, though. I LOVE MY JEANS!!!
Jess, I blame you. I've never heard of that site before, but just ordered some foundation samples. I use Bare Escentuals foundation now, but Aromaleigh is a lot cheaper!
I wear make-up every day to work and almost every other day that I leave the house and I have since 7th or 8th grade.
As for the what men find attractive thing. I absolutely know men who have stated they will not date women for the following reasons:
don't wax
don't work out
wear flats
aren't stylish enough
don't "take care" of themselves
have had plastic surgery
need plastic surgery
I freely admit that I know more than a few vapid men.
BF has told me many times that he is not the boss of me in any way, but he likes my face the way it is and looks forward to seeing how I look through the years with no surgical intervention. That and "please, no french bangs" are the only two dressing limitations he's ever suggested in 10 years. Everything else has been in the nature of comments which widened my sartorial choices--like saying he didn't see why I felt self-conscious in jeans because i looked great in them or that my feeling my arms were too gigantor to wear sleeveless things was "insane."
don't "take care" of themselves
Oy. I knew a guy like this. Shame he never got to see me in my work clothes until after we stopped sleeping together. I enjoyed the look on his face.
As for the what men find attractive thing. I absolutely know men who have stated they will not date women for the following reasons:
Wow. I don't suppose those guys do all those things themselves, do they?
Of all the guys I know, I know one like that. The rest of them had rather have a girl who can hang with the guys, likes good food and having a good time. They'd like it if she made herself all pretty to do those things, but they'd be fine if she did it in jeans and a t-shirt too. But then, I know some awesome guys.
I don't suppose those guys do all those things themselves
Metrosexuals are very annoying when they remove this ammo.