But mostly of Jilli - I just couldn't do something so difficult - to shop for, explain, and just put together.
Yes, this. Being Jilli is a vocation; I'm pleased to be part of the audience, and I could never, ever do it.
It's my hobby. It's What I Do. I am just as in awe of ita and her devotion to krav, or other people's devotion to what makes them happy.
(And, completely randomly, my Annoying!Writer just walked into my office and asked how much someone would have to pay me not to wear any black for one day. I blinked at him, and said "Probably around two or three hundred dollars. Enough for me to buy a new corset, and I'd wear red velvet for a day. No big deal.)
Her book, "The Triumph of Individual Style", is amazing.
I really need to read that.
She advises looking at your wardrobe and then looking at how you decorate your home as an indicator of personal style.
Hmm, my wardrobe tends toward dark colors -- black, grey, navy, hunter green. My decorating tends toward muted pastels-- slate, ice blue, sage green. What does that say about me, I wonder.
Dark base, light/bold accents.
I think I would have to smack anyone who tried to analyze my personal style and then told me how to dress. (Obviously excluding comments like, "Hey, this would look really good on you.")
But I realized long ago that I could never, ever be on QEftSG, because they'd want me to dye my hair back to natural and wear colors.
My wardrobe and decor say..... I have two gray cats that shed a lot, damnit. Now where is the damned sticky roller?!
ETA: I really need to vacuum.
In general, I wear clothes for comfort. And I've never really gotten make-up. It's always seemed like a waste of money to me. I'd rather spend it on a cd or something. Plus it means getting out of bed ten minutes earlier which, quite frankly, is not going to happen. I always do my eyebrows and shave my legs though, so go figure.
ETA- And, actually, now that I think about it, I
have bright pink hair, which takes a bit of upkeep.
(Obviously excluding comments like, "Hey, this would look really good on you.")
But that's what she does. She looks at paintings and says "Hey, this is a fabulous look for you."
But I realized long ago that I could never, ever be on QEftSG, because they'd want me to dye my hair back to natural and wear colors.
Think how much fun you could have at the reveal when you scrapped their choices in favor of a candy-colored Alias wig and all-black Emma peel wear.
Gah, I love makeup. If I ever hit the lottery, I'm going on a shopping spree at Sephora to beat all shopping sprees. I love the way it smells and the textures and the pretty little pots and cases. My vanity at home is like a focal point of the room.
My wardrobe and decor say I'm a walking gothy cliché with a slavering devotion to Tim Burton. (Which reminds me, this week's theme on the Goth Royalty LJ community is about what cheesy goth things are you secretly fond of. I'm going to have immense fun saying "I'm not
fond of any cheesy goth stuff; I'm completely out of the crypt about all of it.")