But I realized long ago that I could never, ever be on QEftSG, because they'd want me to dye my hair back to natural and wear colors.
Think how much fun you could have at the reveal when you scrapped their choices in favor of a candy-colored Alias wig and all-black Emma peel wear.
Gah, I love makeup. If I ever hit the lottery, I'm going on a shopping spree at Sephora to beat all shopping sprees. I love the way it smells and the textures and the pretty little pots and cases. My vanity at home is like a focal point of the room.
My wardrobe and decor say I'm a walking gothy cliché with a slavering devotion to Tim Burton. (Which reminds me, this week's theme on the Goth Royalty LJ community is about what cheesy goth things are you secretly fond of. I'm going to have immense fun saying "I'm not
fond of any cheesy goth stuff; I'm completely out of the crypt about all of it.")
Think how much fun you could have at the reveal when you scrapped their choices in favor of a candy-colored Alias wig and all black Emma peel wear.
Holy crap, I really want to see Jess in such an ensemble....
Gah, I love makeup. If I ever hit the lottery, I'm going on a shopping spree at Sephora to beat all shopping sprees.
I really, really want to go makeup shopping with Allyson. Of course, then I want to dress her up and take her out to the clubs, but that's what I want to do with all of my friends.
Mostly black clothing, and deep, rich shades for decorating.
Some people dress in ways that blend, which acts as inner life camo. I tried and failed to blend ages ago, and have let my clothing id take over.
My vanity at home is like a focal point of the room.
See, I love that. Oh yeah, I like the smell of makeup on a woman too.
The spine of my wardrobe is black. The colour-spine of my home decor is dark brown. But my accent choices are...what's the word...consistent. Or boring.
Which is why I'd love a consultation - it's not like I'd have to follow through. I'm curious.
My home decorating scheme is: Shit Other People Gave Me.
My wardrobe theme is: Things That Hide As Much Of Me As Possible.
Combined, they denote zero money for decorating, and a lot of junk in the trunk.
Think how much fun you could have at the reveal when you scrapped their choices in favor of a candy-colored Alias wig and all-black Emma peel wear.
If there's natural haircolor under that wig, I'm not interested.
As for the Emma Peel costume, well, first I need an Emma Peel body