Beautiful day out. I'm just back from dog walking and coffee fetching. Dog saw a rabbit half way home and jerked so hard that I had to make the rest of the walk with a coffee-soaked boob. [Actual boob, not the dog, though she got a bit doused too.] Good day to wear a white t-shirt.
Argh. I woke up at 4:30 with what I thought was a panic attack, but then a couple of minutes later, I heard this horrible cat yowling, so I think that's what actually woke me up, but it was still unpleasant.
{{Jesse}} Can you go back to sleep or at least do something fun and relaxing until the time you actually need to get up?
Luckily, I am not on board time and did go back to sleep for another 3.5 hours. I am still a little heart-racy, though. I guess that means I should get cracking on the school work.
Luckily, I am not on board time
Right! Silly timezones! And I even knew that. Hmm. My excuse is that I'm preparing a lesson on the special theory of relativity. Time dilation and all that. Yeah.
I guess relatively, I
be on board time, if I ran west really fast... or something. Har.
OK, up and at em.
if I ran west really fast
It will also make you thinner. While increasing your weight!
It will also make you thinner. While increasing your weight!
Just be glad you're not small enough to be subject to the uncertainty principle.
Just be glad you're not small enough to be subject to the uncertainty principle.
You are always subject to it, but the differences and effects are negligible. Like, a velocity of one Angstrom (sp?) per ten billion years or something like that.
One of the most beloved words among the physicists is "negligible". They really like to neglect things and ignore them. Students, of course, treat it like the TA is cheating whenever that word is pronounced in class.
[Edit: Frank!]