Uh oh.
You'd think I'd be pretty blase about stuff like this. I mean, my parents bedroom was separated from mine by plywood closets and yeah, I heard them. (They find this horrible amusing. I didn't mention it until recently. You'd think they'd have clued in after me complaining about the monster rattling the pictures on the walls- my dad's snores.) And then there was the time at grandma's when they were in the bedroom "taking a nap" above the livingroom. And the bedsprings squeaked. Hoping Grandma's hearing aid was not working efficiently and trying not to giggle just about killed me.
Hey, Badger from Firefly is on Medium! That took way too long for me to figure out.
James Nesbitt and Stephen Moyer are hot, and there are insufficient photos. I get it in James's case (he's a moving and talking hottie), but Stephen Moyer? Pinup!
t /Cold Feet Series 2 Episode 5
ITA Jen, on both counts. If we didn't already love the Tivo to bits, being able to rewatch that look three times would have convinced us.
It was so painful
watching Jack trying to talk to Audrey. Because he really should have just left her alone, and he kept trying to connect. Someone should pass him a quiet memo that says, "Just FYI, you broke up about five hours ago."
Yeah, Jessica. I was thinking the same thing.
Also, Clive Owen is breaking my heart on BBCA right now.
I'm getting excited about the Serenity preview now. It's going to be like a little F2F.
We were just watching poor poor suffering-yet-stubborn-and-wrongheaded Clive. He's a damn good actor. The
cab scene where he breaks down crying on the phone with his son KILLED.
t hearts
But then again, who doesn't?
Patrick Dempsey remains adorable.
What Clive are you watching, Robin?