It needs a crazy charismatic ER surgeon. I know one, but I think he may still be in mexico apprenticing as a witch doctor. (I went to school with his daughter, babysat for his many girlfriends and his son was my brother's best friend.) He is a fascinating fellow, and totally charming but really really whacko. He used to take the boys up in his plane and let them fly it. He was the best ER surgeon in NM several years running, and then he went to law school. Then Mexico.
So I'm sitting here, mulling a house, fearing impending layoff somewhat (no income! must find job!) and what do I see? Silhouetted against the blinds of a neighbor across the way, a couple clearly having sex. Dude, if you have plastic blinds, do not leave a light on near the floor. It throws everything into relief. Or shadow. Whichever.
Screw possible layoff, need house. More space between windows.
JenP, you are so right on both counts. Also, I'm hoping that Weeny, whiny faux-President strokes out before to long.
Screw possible layoff, need house. More space between windows.
Har. At least you can look away, unlike when it's apartment next door and your bedrooms share a wall. Actually, I didn't think of it til just now, but that's a nice thing about my current apartment -- the bedroom is on the outside corner.
Even though I'm looking at rowhouses, the walls are thicker.
I've got some hilarious disturbing (to little nonvoyeur me) stories from this place. Including those going at it out on the lawn. I at first was going to call 911 because I thought a struggle was going on. So I ran for the phone. Shortly thereafter, I realized it was definitely consentual. So goofy. It was like when I was little and saw two dogs and thought some evil person had tied their tails together. My poor dad had to explain to a very upset me what was really going on...
I'm with you, quester.
It was like when I was little and saw two dogs and thought some evil person had tied their tails together.
Heh. The trauma of youth.
Even though I'm looking at rowhouses, the walls are thicker.
Not necessarily thick enough. One year in NOLA, a friend and I rented one half of a double shotgun (NOLAese for "duplex," so called because in the classic style, you could fire a shotgun through the front door, and the shot would go out the back door without hitting anything -- but I digress). The other half was taken by a young couple. And let's just say that roommate and I always knew when our neighbors were getting amorous....
Around here, they tend (I say tend because it apparently depends on vintage and original purposing) double wall/firewall...
I'll just be glad to not hear the adventures of the people in the bedroom directly below me.
All of this just reminded me of a really embarrassing situation involving a baby monitor. The new monitors they make really do pick up EVERY noise in the house.
Uh oh.
You'd think I'd be pretty blase about stuff like this. I mean, my parents bedroom was separated from mine by plywood closets and yeah, I heard them. (They find this horrible amusing. I didn't mention it until recently. You'd think they'd have clued in after me complaining about the monster rattling the pictures on the walls- my dad's snores.) And then there was the time at grandma's when they were in the bedroom "taking a nap" above the livingroom. And the bedsprings squeaked. Hoping Grandma's hearing aid was not working efficiently and trying not to giggle just about killed me.
Hey, Badger from Firefly is on Medium! That took way too long for me to figure out.