Also? MOUSE. And Devi kept dropping it front of Mister Kitty so it could wobble drunkenly around and intrigue him. Sweet of her, no? Closest I've seen them to collaboration.
Aww. So very sweet.
Haven't seen the big dumb mousie that Maceo had. He was playing with it on multiple occassions - at least it was unhurt and stupid enough that I assumed it was the same mousie.
The mouse just wants to be frieeeends......
Does anybody know offhand how often you're allowed to take Actifed? I've got one hell of a nose-running eye-tearing cold going full blast here, and another dose may be due.
Theo, sorry, I have no idea. But lots of health-vibes for you.
Hi Nilly! I've been catching up in here before my meeting, but now I have to run. Good to see you!
Robin, your tales of shopping from upthread reminded me that I bought these AWESOME fancy high-heeled black satiny maryjane-ish shoes this weekend that I am in LOVE with. I'm trying to decide if I can justify bringing them with me to Germany. They're not good for walking long distances, and I'm going to be doing a lot of exploring, is the thing. But they're so pretty! AND they were only $25 at a sweet little vintage store in town that I'd never been into before. I love them so.
Justify? I'd like to see you justify
bringing them, Kate. You're young, gorgeous, and going to be in Europe, and you're considering leaving your AWESOME fancy high-heeled black satiny maryjane-ish shoes behind? How does this demonstrate preparedness?
Let me validate that, Kate. Good shoes are a
in Europe.
Wait -- maybe she shouldn't take the shoes, so she's forced into buying new good shoes.
I love you both. The shoes are going!
oh, but ita makes a good point. But I almost never buy shoes, so I doubt I will be overly tempted, having just bought these.