Congrats on graduating, Alibelle.
I'll be going to my nephew's graduation the first weekend in June. I only have the one nephew and niece, and Gaia knows I'll never have kids of my own, so I'm pretty psyched. However, I just got a college graduation announcement for one of my cousin's kids and WTF?
I barely remember to send Yule cards to my 1st cousins. Does she really think I'm going to shell out for a prezzie for her daughter? Someone whose name I have forgotten already, in spite of reading it on the announcement just yesterday? Dude, she's so out $0.37.
X-posted from Music [link]
headdesk headdesk headdesk
headdesk headdesk headdesk
"We don't know what they're saying, but we know it can't be good."
My dad finally is mastering e-mail. Sort of.
"unintelligible at any speed."
I may have to tag this phrase tho'
Make sure you include the FBI attribution, Epic!
t deadpan
I am so offended. What a dirty song. I'm glad the children are being protected from such ludicrous things as, "I don't like leaving the girl I love, when I get back I'm gonna stay." Thank god and bring out the AC/DC.
"We don't know what they're saying, but we don't it can't be good."
So, "we know it when we
hear it" is up there with "we know it when we see it" in what-is-indecency land?
Jamaican moon?
Must be a drug related reference, possibly also indecent exposure.