Part 2
Jim arrives and says he'll be Denzel's lawyer. The neighbors come over to tell what happened. The vegans protest that this isn't the way it should be done, and the Chief offers to put them in cells. They shut up a little.
The baseball bat and the beer bottle throwing were ruled self-defense, but public brawling is still against the law. 60 days, 30 days suspended sentence.
One of the buddies had run when the guns came out, but when he heard the sirens he figured it was better to fess up than to get chased, so he came back. 15 days, suspended sentence.
Denzel is a parolee and isn't allowed to possess firearms, though the shotgun is allowed. The pistol wasn't his, but he shouldn't have grabbed it. He also shouldn't have discharged the shotgun within the city limits, and he shouldn't have aimed it at anyone. 120 days, 60 days suspended, time off for good behavior.
The vegans: Trespass with the intent to commit a crime, assault with a deadly weapon (shooting back at Denzel), possession of stolen property (taking the gun with them), resisting arrest, disturbing the peace, inciting a riot, public endangerment, and I think there might have been a terrorism charge in there somewhere, too. The shortest sentence was two years.
Jim convinced the judge to give the guys two days to take their cars home and to tell their families and bosses that they'd be on vacations for the next several weeks. As the Chief left, he made sure to tell them, "When you show up at jail, make sure you empty your pockets and don't bring any contraband." Once the authorities were gone, Jim asked Denzel what he had in his pockets. "A couple of joints." "Idiot."