We spoke with the lawyer at the Other School, but this was more in regard to how our situation would impact upon them, really. Understandably. They were cool about it, but they have vested interests in not saying 'go on, screw your current boss', evidently enough.
Hmm. I'll poke the last couple of paragraphs with a stick, maybe. But subtlety is likely to be lost on Evil Boss.
'Course he doesn't react well to confrontations either. Argh.
Excellent letter, Fay. (eta: Cindy's suggested tweak makes sense to me. You don't want to be too subtle, but you do want to present a solution where you get paid that he can grab on to when he realizes that he's screwed himself)
leather-pants happy
I love this phrase.
I also love Fay's letter. It's so calm, reasonable, and full of very politely sharpened knives.
Anyhow, my point is, I'm not minus people.
I didn't mean "minus people" as a negative number or zero. Just...
Were there probably wonderful people I never considered because of the cat thing? Hell yes.
...this. Less people in the potential pool.
It's so calm, reasonable, and full of very politely sharpened knives.
It is. It's super polite and filled with steely British menace.
Less people in the potential pool
Which isn't a bad thing if those people are incompatable with your preferred lifestyle.
Get 'em, Fay!!
I am totally broken out all over my face. I don't want to put makeup on for fear that I'll make it worse, but I have to get on a plane in a couple of hours (read: be in public with zitty face). Hates the period.
Which isn't a bad thing if those people are incompatable with your preferred lifestyle.
Yes, that's why we develop the filters in the first place. "Incompatible" is an important concept.