Last week, we could see huge clouds of pollen poof up from the trees. It looked like smoke; some people thought we were having a forest fire. This web site caught a rather mild view of this effect here:
I am afraid. I am very afraid.
Tho', except for the pollen, that's a gorgeous pic. Signed, Grew Up In San Diego, and Gets Very Excited by Both Trees and Green
I must admit that I'm glad that the pollen doesn't do this every year. Speaking to oldtimers here, I think this has happened once or twice in the last twenty years. There was a crowd in my office staring out the window at puff after puff for about twenty minutes. It didn't stop then, but we figured we had probably do some work.
eta: If you like that picture, that web site, creatively named, does new pictures, mostly of the Juneau area, every day or two. I have it as my home page.
Ok, just tried to say "cut and sent" to the Gas Company. Guess how it came out?
t dies
If you like that picture, that web site, creatively named, does new pictures, mostly of the Juneau area, every day or two.
Right-o. Added to Favorites. I clicked the link to the weather forecast. I think I'd like to visit. Signed, Freak Who Still Enjoys Rain ('Cuz she never sees it)
Whoa, Aimee. Freudian much? P.S. Would you like to take care of Dell for me? I like your 'tude.
Epic, whatever happened with Dell? Last I remember, you had been on hold for 57 minutes.
What idiot decided we need money to live? I discovered this morning that I'm broker than I thought I was (read: more overdrawn than I've ever been, which caused a mild meltdown before I showered), and while we will be able to cover it thanks to some juggling, we're going to be living off whatever we have in the house for the next few weeks
Pardon me, but that's *my* line....
Honey, that sucks. I have *so* been there. As recently as 4 or 5 days ago. Including the "more overdrawn than I thought" part (because my bank covers a certain amount of overdraft -- I pay them back, obviously, with a big fee, but my credit rating doesn't actually think I'm overdrawing all the time), which is just sort of the bottom of the bottom. The pig's anus, if you will. Now I'm just back to normal-overdrawn, which I can handle.
So, I feel you. And if I were there, I'd feed you. And then steal your baby because she is TEH CUTE OMGDIESFROMCUTENESS!!!1!
Surely you're not looking at the non-working replica as "a dangerous thing"?
No, but I thought she wanted the black powder model.
Epic, whatever happened with Dell? Last I remember, you had been on hold for 57 minutes.
At about 1:17:30ish, having gone beyond the bounds of my lunch "hour", I tried to put the phone on speaker so I could move around and do actual work. I was unsuccessful - hung up on 'em.
I've come to a place of (relative) peace.
So, how's it with you? Studying still on track?
I stayed home from work to clean today. I've been working fairly energetically for hours, with brief breaks. But to my jaded eyes, it looks like a) nothing has been done, and b) there is no freaking way I can be anywhere close to done before I have to go pick up my dad at that airport. I blame the cats. Their fur makes it dirtier. Their play makes it messier. Their sitting on my lap makes me not want to clean. This is my story, and I'm sticking with it. After all, who are they going to tell otherwise? My dad doesn't speak cat.