Aimee, you have to understand the squadron may have had 35/40 pilot-instructors, but it had a maintenance crew of around 125 to take care of all the airplanes. So, I did not "go" to Topgun, I was part of Topgun for two years as an electronics technician that supported the avionics equipment onboard the aircraft. The class that fighter pilots went to was five weeks long, then we'd be "down" for three weeks getting the planes back into shape for the next class. Sending a graduating class "bye-bye" was always cause for a squadron party, I think we had more of them than any other squadron on base.
Stephanie, you must have just missed the cutoff when it came to women in fighter planes. By the time I got out in '93, it wasn't common, but it was happening. All the carriers had been opened to women, so they had to start letting them into all the various types of squadrons by then. Still, women only make up a little over 10% of the Navy, so you're not going to see a lot of female pilots.
Sail, that's awesomer than going. Still in love.
By the time I got out in '93, it wasn't common, but it was happening.
Yep - I would have started in '92. When they opened it up to women, I briefly considered transferring, but since I had been able to take 2 years of college during high school, going to an academy would have meant starting from scratch after 3 years of college.
going to an academy would have meant starting from scratch after 3 years of college.
Now, that would have been of the suck. I can see why you chose not to go that route.
Yeah, I remember the announcement pretty clearly because it was the first time I realized that I was old enough that certain doors had closed to me.
I don't know about your experience, but one of the reasons I'm okay with not having done it is because in my experience, being a woman in the military is a constant battle to prove yourself good enough, tough enough, and strong enough. I could never carry enough, walk as far, do as many push-ups, etc. as the guys I was with. It had nothing to do with my ability to do my job, but I got tired of always feeling inadequate before I'd even lifted a finger.
Happy Anniversary, Hec and JZ!!!
Man, Extreme Home Makeover must be saying to itself "There's some bitch in Maine ain't crying yet. Time to kick it up a notch."
Happy Anniversary to Chez Zmayhem, who had one of the loveliest weddings ever, plus the way-cool soundtrack!
Much love for the smart competent Bitches around this joint.
Hello, Bitches. I know I don't usually post in these parts, but, you know, slow Sunday night on the board, you do some poking around. And ...
Man, Extreme Home Makeover must be saying to itself "There's some bitch in Maine ain't crying yet. Time to kick it up a notch."
Right there with you. (Except, not Maine.) I can barely see the screen through the blurry. Geez.
Bart Simpson:
Mom, this is the Catholic Church. You know chicks don't have any authority here.
MOMM (Merlot on my monitor)