ahh--- here's a good link ...
It started by talking about Yoga breathing -- which has already helped.
Interestingly - it is talking about a lack of magnesium - which I have read about for diabetics. hmmm.... now I need to find out if I can od on magnesium....
Aw, I thought that was going to be an interview with an iPod, like the hilarious Interview with the Search Engine.
I think that if my cats are going to wake me up on the weekend before I want to be awake, they need to learn how to make coffee.
It's a survival skill, actually.
Man, if Cat could make me coffee I wouldn't grumble when she positions herself exactly in front of whatever I'm doing.
Roomate keeps tossing the idea of a kitten around. If we get one, we're naming it Dog. I think that being an alpha cat might actually be good for Cat. Maybe she wouldn't be so co-dependant.
Just getting ready for work. (Booooo!!!)
On a Saturday? Lame!
I'm still looking for a job.