Off to editted dreams...
The pill that is suppossed to make me feel sleepy brought a gift with purchase tonight, Not sure this is a good thing.
To bed with jacked up dreams...
Tomorrow? I aim for human.
I came back to edit and realyze that my brain is of no good use tonight.
I'm using Adobe InDesign. It's for a magazine layout, but I found the codes to do the thing and all is well. Eventually I'm going to get to go to bed tonight, though it may be a bit. My own fault for being late with this thing.
Hi Perkins! BOING!
Adobe InDesign
I use this a lot. Ping my real mail account that you have the address of, if you have Qs.
I name Eddie as chief editor to my dreams. You do know the rules, right?
Cass, I like to take my time and be creative when it comes to "dream editing".
Then just consider tonight a trial run. And my brain is now yours until 7 a.m. tomororrow. Electronics are going to sleep. I am to follow.
Night Bitches...
Night Cass. I think I'm gonna try to sleep too. Don't anybody get any ideas.
Thanks Cass. I'll probably bug you a bit once I figure out what questions I have.
Night guys. Pleasant dreams.
I've been trying to go to sleep. It's not working so well.
Isn't a cough suppressant supposed to actually, y'know, suppress a cough to some extent? Every time I lie down, I start coughing again.