Deena said:
Hey editorial type people, what might a capitalized and underlined N mean in proofing marks?
and then P.M. Marcontell suggested:
Deena, have you googled for proofing marks?
Which I did, since I'm (again) with the insomnia and the closest I can come up with is an "en dash":
ETA: Seems I'm too slow for Deena's google-fu.
Eddie, I'm gonna kiss you. Damn, also have to learn how to do an en dash.
And I figured them both out. Eddie, not too slow. My google-fu was faulty. Thank you.
*whimpers back* The edit shall not rule me today.
This is turning in^to Buffistechnology...
Deena, I'm assuming you're using MS Word. If you go to Insert > Symbol > Special Characters tab, you'll find Mrs. en dash and all her wacky nephews.
ETA: You're welcome, Deena.
ETA2: Hi Perkins!
If you're typing it into a graphic, it's alt + 0150. If you're using HTML, it's – (–)
Hi Cass, Hi Plei!
I need to make my reservations for Seattle.
Off to editted dreams...
The pill that is suppossed to make me feel sleepy brought a gift with purchase tonight, Not sure this is a good thing.
To bed with jacked up dreams...
Tomorrow? I aim for human.
I came back to edit and realyze that my brain is of no good use tonight.
I'm using Adobe InDesign. It's for a magazine layout, but I found the codes to do the thing and all is well. Eventually I'm going to get to go to bed tonight, though it may be a bit. My own fault for being late with this thing.
Hi Perkins! BOING!