Is Amy or Connie around? What's a "Mia Maid"?
Mia Maids is a church program for girls who are saying, "But brother gets to go to Scouts!" No, they don't send the girls to Girl Scouts. They might learn self-sufficiency and a sense of their own potential and--sorry.
Anyway, in Mia Maids they learn to be reverent and about a woman's holy purpose in the world and that they shouldn't let boys do *that* until they're married because they'll be impure and tainted and no decent boy will want them.
Oh, and home making and crafts and stuff like that.
edited because should != shouldn't
Sorry about the crap day, Gud. I hope things get better for you.
Lots of ~ma to sj's nephew.
Just in the past two days Annabel has turned cranky and needy like she literally hasn't been since she was a newborn. I hope it's just lingering effects of her cold and not a personality shift, because this is driving me crazy, and if it keeps up I don't know what I'll do.
Just in the past two days Annabel has turned cranky and needy like she literally hasn't been since she was a newborn.
Mine used to do this right before a big developmental step -- crawling, walking, talking.
Hopefully it's the talking. She's due for that one.
It's like she's suddenly lost the ability to amuse herself--which luckily for me she developed young--or to go to sleep fairly readily when she needs a nap. And I can't decide whether it's best to coddle her a little, or if that would encourage my heretofore independent little daughter to turn into Clingabel.
{{Gud}} I hope your day improves.
sj, I'm still ~ma-ing for your nephew and family. It's so hard to hear a little babe has to have surgery.
Susan, I'm sorry to hear that Annabel is having a rough time right now. Soon she'll be able to tell you what's wrong!
I had breakfast today with one of the Sierra Club's lawyers. The whole Cheney/Energy Committee thing is his case. They are smarting from the 8-0 decision that they lost. Yesterday, a reporter called my friend for comment and told him that when she'd called the VP's office (for a comment) the spokesperson refused to give the reporter her name. Why? "Because it is a secret." Direct quote from the VP's office.
Sean, if y'all could hold each other's hair back, I think you've got keepers. I think you can trust each other now.
I can't believe anybody would find GS paganish or anything, Connie.
Soon she'll be able to tell you what's wrong!
My neighbor with the 2-year-old assures me the time will come when I'll wonder why I was so anxious for her to talk!
My neighbor with the 2-year-old assures me the time will come when I'll wonder why I was so anxious for her to talk!
I love it when they're that age and they're playing with new words. The other night a friend's 3 year old called a drumstick a chickenstick (as in "IwannachickenstickI'mhungrychickenstick!" and I still find myself giggling.