Not to pat myself on the back, but I typically interview pretty well. Once I can get into that part of the process, I'm usually very good at selling myself, which is kind of strange considering other things about myself, but, oh well. I'm not going to say any more, because I don't want to jinx myself, but I feel fairly confident about this. If it's meant to be, it's going to happen.
My goodness! Where is everyone today?
Call me immature, but the whole breastfeeding and pumping thing squicks me. It's a thing.
Pumping is a squick for me (to think of me doing it--it doesn't squick me for others to do it, not that that would be my place to be squicked, anyhow), and played into why I didn't breastfeed any of my children for nearly as long as I should have. I blame time spent on a dairy farm, watching my cousins hook the cows up to electric milking machines.
Good morning!
Yesterday I went to Marshall's and saw lots of stuff I wanted for my place, but I didn't buy. I was being frugal. Except I checked my account and I have way more money than I thought. Not tons, but more. I think because I didn't have my car last week and didn't eat out (I must be spending a scary amount of money eating out).
So after work I'm going to buy some of the things I saw.
Also, work has a bulletin board and today someone was advertising a "Chip and Dale" table for sale. A few weeks ago someone had a "rod iron" headboard and footboard for sale.
Oh, askye! How fun! I love getting stuff for a new's such a fun experience. And it's also really enjoyable to watch you getting to go through it.
You'll have to share pictures of what you get!
For three days this week (yesterday-wednesday) my job is sucking so bad, I want to flee. Otherwise it's a wonderful environment to work in, for a call center.
I have extreme call reluctance when I'm doing cold calling. They have us calling *out* to gather info for a case. Not only that, but the script, as written by lawyers, has us saying a huge block of text, only halfway in finally tellling the customers we aren't lawyers soliciting for any business.
I'm also calling ranchers and feedlots, people who have better things to do than get cold calls from strangers asking them if they got a document in the mail
My frustration level wass so high, I came close to getting in my car and driving away.
Only my bills and the upcoming moneymaking "campaign to get Windsparrow moved up here" held me back.
Soon I go in for day two. Ach.
Good luck vw!
The interview is my favorite part of the transaction. Honestly. If I could get paid to do them, I'd be very happy. Mostly because I use them as a way to suss out the problems in the organization that I can solve. Detective!
Have a great time.
daniel, I had a job that required cold calling once and I hated it. Theoretically, I was calling about something good for them, but I hated being that person calling out of the blue.
Cindy, I totally agree with you wrt the pump thing - not very glamorous. I've always thought that I would be okay with BF in front of other people but there is NO WAY I would ever pump in front of someone.
Well, my studies are calling, so I think I will close my browser for the morning.
My doctor called and woke me up at 7:30AM to tell me I should be having oatmeal for breakfast.
Well, not quite. To tell me she got my lab results and everything is normal except my cholesterol is bad and my triglycerides are worse, and I should exercise and eat low fat and oatmeal. Um. Someone tell me about triglycerides?