Feel betterma vibes directed toward Deena.
Stephanie, the barnazi woman is freaking unbelievable. I hope you get this situation worked out so that it satisfies your needs, the baby's needs, and the requirements of the exam.
The black suit looks awesome, vw, and the shoes are fabu. Do we still say fabu? Or is it passe'?
Oh, and ringlets. Definitely ringlets.
I wish I had more practical experience with BF before I tried it. Someone to say, "hell, yeah, it's going to hurt for a little while." Instead of it hurting and then reading all this crap about how if it hurts, you're doing it wrong--the latch is wrong, etc. Never said, "if your baby sucks like a hoover, it might also hurt."
Ha! Too true, and I got lucky: one of the nurses at my OB's office warned me, plus with the nipple flatness issue (dude, I swear they weren't flat before the baby!), the LCs tell you flat-out that it'll hurt for a while for reasons I'd have to whitefont. I was so worried about her getting enough to eat when she was having latching issues the first few days that I'd just keep nursing even if I thought the latch was bad--I figured that if I took her off like the books suggest, she might never get back on.
Hi Plei!
I have nothing to add to the breastfeeding discussion.
Call me immature, but the whole breastfeeding and pumping thing squicks me. It's a thing.
Ok, let the La Leche beatings commence.
I still can't believe I have a job interview today. Eek!
psst vw: Apocalypse.
Kidding. I'm sure you'll do great vw!
Not to pat myself on the back, but I typically interview pretty well. Once I can get into that part of the process, I'm usually very good at selling myself, which is kind of strange considering other things about myself, but, oh well. I'm not going to say any more, because I don't want to jinx myself, but I feel fairly confident about this. If it's meant to be, it's going to happen.
My goodness! Where is everyone today?
Call me immature, but the whole breastfeeding and pumping thing squicks me. It's a thing.
Pumping is a squick for me (to think of me doing it--it doesn't squick me for others to do it, not that that would be my place to be squicked, anyhow), and played into why I didn't breastfeed any of my children for nearly as long as I should have. I blame time spent on a dairy farm, watching my cousins hook the cows up to electric milking machines.