Thanks everyone for the advice.
When I confront stuff I haven't dealt with before, my default response to to plan for every contingency so I'm as prepared as possible. It sounds like, based on what everyone has said here, that I don't have to worry too much about the "refusing a bottle" scenario. If that is unlikely to be an issue, then I can probably quit worrying about this.
I was planning on nursing or pumping in the bathroom and it seems like they don't have a problem with the pump scenario. My mom will watch the Peaberry while I'm taking the test.
Part of what has made me so mad about this was that the woman I've been dealing with (this woman has been very unhelpful and condescending from the beginning. She keeps saying "like I told you..." when she has never directly answered my questions) told me "your baby cannot come into the building" which made me angry because it's a convention center so lots of non-bar people will be there and my baby isn't a dog or some disease or something. She has just as much right to enter a buiding as the next person. Plus, I'm very reticent to ask for "special help" and given that neither the baby or my mom is going to pass me answers on NC law, I can't see why it is a real problem.
But given that everyone thinks it is unlikely to be a problem, I'm just going to have to accept that I can't plan for every possibility and have some faith that it will all work out.
Also, thanks for the encouragement.
And, in something that's not about me, Robin, I'm not old enough to know from experience, but I don't think you should worry. I think it's not uncommon to skip periods. If you aren't in pain, I would wait a while.