Job~ma for vw!
Get better soon~ma for Annabel!
And congrats to Fay! (With a side-helping of finding-the-documents~ma, of course.)
So! Anyone have suggestions for where I can find a good lunchbag sort of thing? One that I could customize with a Nightmare Before Christmas patch or something? One that I could put a lock on?
Yes, my luch was stolen AGAIN. Or thrown away. I don't know which. All I know is that the plastic bag holding my lunch wasn't there.
(I don't want to use my Lenore lunchbox, because what if it gets stolen? Plus, it's not quite big enough to hold the food containers I prefer.)
grrrr. SO angry.
That's it. Someone's getting a smite in the face.
I have no ideas on the lunchbox. Maybe one of those industrial, construction worker lunchboxes? Or maybe a fancy cooler that you can keep at your desk?
(And oh. my. god, what a cute puppy.)
I think putting in a regular bag lunch with a thing of chocolate pudding laced with Ex-lax would be the way to go. Jilli. Why should you have to buy nifty new stuff, yet not so nifty that you'd mind losing it, just because one of your coworkers is a petty-larcenous git?
DH thinks you should follow Aimee's cooler suggestion, then also plant a dummy lunch in the fridge. Not with anything that'll actually make the thief sick, but otherwise as disgusting as you can make it--say a sandwich with moldy cheese and a thick lacing of tabasco sauce.
Jilli, I have a cloth bag that I keep my lunch in -- it's so old, I don't remember where I got it, but I imagine your local dollar store might have something like it. That plus a watertight plastic container that you can fill with water and toss in the freezer overnight, and you can keep lunch with you.
Fun! Imagine the stickers.
Someone at work called me dorky for my Hellboy lunchpail. First off, it's not a lunchpail -- that's a dorky word. It's a lunchbox. Second off -- what's dorky about carrying around something that's actually enjoyable to look at?
He backed off.