billytea! I have no idea what to name an echidna, but it's great to be posting with you.
Hi Susan! How's things?
If it's male, I should think Ed would work, short for Edwin, or Edmund. Eddie. Then Edie would work for a female.
Oh, I don't need it to start with E. (Incidentally, my high school was St Edmunds, so I guess that has some point behind it.) So far the only name I've come up with is Helio Castr-r-r-roneves, but it's not evil enough.
Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez, perhaps? (With apologies to Sean Connery)
Susan, I'm so glad things went well. Don't beat yourself up so much about having to ask for a little help. It's ok. It's what we're here for.
billytea, I have no name ideas. My poor brain...she is fried...
Coffffffffeeeeeeeeeeee. Must write paper, but first cofffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeee.
it's not evil enough.
How about Condoleeza Scalia von Rumscroft?
My only suggestion for the echidna is Lobo. Lobo Marunga.
Frozen whole green beans are my best friend. Owen loves them and they're crisp without the hassle of fresh.
Rough draft is written! Now off to quickly walk the dog and shower before heading off to class.
Can't believe I got that done. Nothing like a little adrenaline to get you going in the morning.
Karl/Karla would also be a nice name for an echidna.
How about Condoleeza Scalia von Rumscroft?
No no no, the
isn't evil enough. Helio Castr-r-r-roneves is way evil, with his dastardly schemes and twirling his moustache.
Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez, perhaps?
That isn't bad; but there's a D&D player in Australia who's called his character that, so I feel I shouldn't.
Unique want-ad spelling in the Mankato Freecycle group on Yahoo:
Wanted: Dehymudifer
My first thought was "Doesn't the sun do that?"
Gronk. Work should not be early.
Morning ev'one.
Still twitterpated.