Yay, vw!
Oh, BTW? Annabel is still the cutest kid ever. Just in case anyone was wondering. We're in the living room, and for awhile she was bringing books over for me to read to her. But now she's standing next to me, paging through one of her books, and babbling merrily away. I'm being suitably appreciative.
go VW!
I read Nick some of the comments and he was so excited and pleased. I also posted the beefcake (so to speak) to my LJ. He wanted his buddy/the drummer to see what I could do with photoshop with only a few minutes and Nick's face.
Fantabulous vw! Plus,
Yeah teachers!
I'm sure you've all seen the special Google today, but it's pretty cute, so if you haven't, you might like to check it out.
Deena is silly. His bandmate thought Nick's mother was deranged, but he had a fun time watching me order Nick into the tub, and to unbutton his shirt, and the top button of his jeans. It was sort of horrified enjoyment, but we laughed. A lot.
ETA: Jessica, Jada is in the lead at 15%+ and Nick has applied to Starbucks and would like to know what he should say during the interview process to get the job, if you have any pointers for him.
ETA2: My creepiness killed the thread.
Mmm, I just took a shower and used my new Lush soap. It's brilliant.
Jada is in the lead at 15%+
Go puppy!
Nick has applied to Starbucks and would like to know what he should say during the interview process to get the job, if you have any pointers for him.
I barely remember my interview, but I'd say just be really enthusiastic about coffee. They'll probably ask what his favorite Starbucks drink is. (And, you know, the usual customer service interview stuff like wear nice clothes, be polite and upbeat.)
I just made chili for dinner. It smells YUMMY! Don't you all wish you were here?
Chili sounds good. I don't know what I'm going to cook for dinner yet. Ham, Hamberger Helper (yeah, yeah, the kids love it), Frozen Lasuagna (easy!), Ravioli (never will happen, by wife won't want it), or some other thing I forgot about.