It's about how two separate discourses can be formed from one topic... That's the most basic explantion. Of course, now it's becoming a HUGE thing, so it'll be expanded.
That sounds really cool, vw. I'm so glad you've got an excited prof to work with on this!
Whoot! Go team vw bug! Kickass!
Heh - typed "kinkass" originally. That's not the same thing at all.
I'm so excited! Now, someone kick my ass and make me write this paper that's due tomorrow.
Write that paper VW! Do it for America!
Lo and behold, Tep, corsets at Dark Garden with straps. Lots and lots of them. In fact, if you look at the list of corset styles on the left, it appears that most of them except the underbusts and the Victorians that don't specifically say "straps" do indeed have straps.
I just realized I could write a whole scene with snarky corset cliques spouting off every bit of clichéd Goth scene drama dialog I've ever heard. Maybe after I get done editing the topics I'm (supposedly) working on.
And then you'll post it right?
Yay, vw!
Oh, BTW? Annabel is still the cutest kid ever. Just in case anyone was wondering. We're in the living room, and for awhile she was bringing books over for me to read to her. But now she's standing next to me, paging through one of her books, and babbling merrily away. I'm being suitably appreciative.
go VW!
I read Nick some of the comments and he was so excited and pleased. I also posted the beefcake (so to speak) to my LJ. He wanted his buddy/the drummer to see what I could do with photoshop with only a few minutes and Nick's face.
Fantabulous vw! Plus,
Yeah teachers!
I'm sure you've all seen the special Google today, but it's pretty cute, so if you haven't, you might like to check it out.