Applicance Dollys are your friend. They make getting Washers/Dryers up and down stairs a lot easier
I wish I could adequately describe how narrow and twisty the stairs to the basement are...
Ack, the landlord came with some dude she's hiring to do the hardwood floors after we move. The perils of living someplace that someone else owns.
I think part of Arquette's appeal is that she's very striking to watch. Something about her facial structure demands attention--from me, anyway. Not conventionally pretty, nor yet the most gifted actor, still, it's intriguing to watch emotions reflected on her face.
I like the fact that she's not some stick-figure actress. She looks like a mom who has no problem running through the drive-through for a cheeseburger. I appreciate the realism of the body figure.
She is built like a regular woman, and she does have amazing planes to her face. I love the daughters and that they have the quirks, both good and annoying, of regular kids. That's so hard to write.
I always had to update AFTER a depression due to lack of will to do anything.
You're right. I am going to try to be better about keeping track of things from now on.
GetTheJobSoLongAsItReallyIsAsGoodAsItLooks~ma to Fay, and job & calm~ma to xnera.
I need my motivation to come back from Aruba.
May all the Buffistas be employed in jobs that make the most of their unique talents and pay a living wage...
The ASSROCKERS is a great band name.
Cincinnati had a band, who went on to minor national exposure, called the Ass Ponys. Heh.
Much Job~ma Fay. I hope the job is all it seems to be.
I like Medium. I like that Arquette's character doesn't juggle everything with ease.
The Assrockers should play a gig with the Ass Ponys, Butthole Surfers and Anal Cunt.