Morning. I have my psychiatrist appointment this morning. I am dreading it. I hate having to go over my whole medical/psych history. Especially since I can't usually remember most of it.
calm-ma, sj. Good luck with the appointment. Have you tried keeping a diary/journal on your treatment? I know after years and years, important details can fade (meds, length of time you were on them, depressive episodes, etc.). I kept one for a while and it helped whenever I had to explain the whole mess to another doctor.
I'm CLEAN! Better than yesterday.
Deena, I've linked more than a few people to Nick's BotB site. I hope he wins.
calm-ma, sj. Good luck with the appointment. Have you tried keeping a diary/journal on your treatment? I know after years and years, important details can fade (meds, length of time you were on them, depressive episodes, etc.). I kept one for a while and it helped whenever I had to explain the whole mess to another doctor.
I've thought about it, but I have been inconsistent about actually following through on it. I think the problem is that when I have been depressed enough to decide I need meds, I haven't been up to doing much of anything, and I tend not to remember those periods of time.
Get clean. And dressed. Darn it. I knew I forgot something.
Deena--I waa the one who said
Wire in the Blood
guy could actually act. I think Arquette has a really strong presence, but not a lot of range. In
last night Robson Green went from quiet to tortured to charming to screaming to thoughtful to sad to furious and each of those things rang completely true. Her range is a lot smaller, but she is good within it.
I haven't been up to doing much of anything, and I tend not to remember those periods of time.
Oh, understandable. I always had to update AFTER a depression due to lack of will to do anything.
I think part of Arquette's appeal is that she's very striking to watch. Something about her facial structure demands attention--from me, anyway. Not conventionally pretty, nor yet the most gifted actor, still, it's intriguing to watch emotions reflected on her face.
I missed the midnight airing of last night's Wire in the Blood, and conked out halfway through the 3AM airing (the vcr caught it), so I don't yet know how it ends. I'll repeat what I've said elsewhere: I don't understand how Tony Hill can be so completely compelling, and not another character I've seen Robson Green play has been more than decorative. I'm not sure if this is his One True Character and he's limited as to other ones, or if the writing on other projects is that bad, or if it just doesn't engage him.
Applicance Dollys are your friend. They make getting Washers/Dryers up and down stairs a lot easier
I wish I could adequately describe how narrow and twisty the stairs to the basement are...
Ack, the landlord came with some dude she's hiring to do the hardwood floors after we move. The perils of living someplace that someone else owns.
I think part of Arquette's appeal is that she's very striking to watch. Something about her facial structure demands attention--from me, anyway. Not conventionally pretty, nor yet the most gifted actor, still, it's intriguing to watch emotions reflected on her face.
I like the fact that she's not some stick-figure actress. She looks like a mom who has no problem running through the drive-through for a cheeseburger. I appreciate the realism of the body figure.
She is built like a regular woman, and she does have amazing planes to her face. I love the daughters and that they have the quirks, both good and annoying, of regular kids. That's so hard to write.
I always had to update AFTER a depression due to lack of will to do anything.
You're right. I am going to try to be better about keeping track of things from now on.