I'm home waiting for the washer/dryer person to come by and hook up the w/d so I can do laundry.
Anything fancy? I'm thinking all I really had to do is level them and plug them in, and hook up the vent to the dryer, and the water and drain to the washer.
Either you are going to have some install extra work done, or your washer & dryer have new connections mine don't.
New power connection or gas to the dryer? Yeah, I'd leave that to the pros, if I had my druthers.
Morning. I have my psychiatrist appointment this morning. I am dreading it. I hate having to go over my whole medical/psych history. Especially since I can't usually remember most of it. At least Teacup Guy realized this morning that despite the fact that we don't have plans for tonight, that I was probably going to need the company, so he is coming over after work now.
How is everyone else this morning?
Anything fancy? I'm thinking all I really had to do is level them and plug them in, and hook up the vent to the dryer, and the water and drain to the washer.
Hee, Daniel.
I have no idea how mechanically inclined Anne is, although she's displayed some ability in past discussions, but saying this to someone who isn't inclined in a particular area is a little like telling a person whose cooking resume is generally limited to "makes a mean burger, and decent fried eggs" to fix Thanksgiving dinner. Possible? Sure. Worth the uncertainty, frustration, and time? Not so much.
Easy day to you, Nora. Feel better soon. sj, an easy day to you, too, in spite of the psych appointment.
when we move, I think we want to get the hookups dropped to the basement, but we want to make sure we can get a W/D down there first. It'll be a thing. Fun!
Applicance Dollys are your friend. They make getting Washers/Dryers up and down stairs a lot easier.
It's like a 'meant to be' thing. First, JZ points me to the cutest flamey baby shoes and then Cashmere points me to the cutest flamey baby blanket.
No more cutey flamey baby things! I've spent enough!!