Back sucks, thanks.
Does that work better for you than long hot shower? I always go for heat myself. {{{Empress's back}}}
My doctor told me that cold is best because it will prevent swelling (which hot will aggravate). Ice the spot for 10 minutes, wait 50 minutes and repeat the process 3-4 times. This really works with my back.
They [greyhounds] come up to me all delicate, warm, and graceful with a look of, "I'm ever so pretty. Please pet me."
I love greyhounds. They are very beautiful animals.
It was announced on our local news that our city by the end of the year will have city-wide wifi
Dude! What city is that? Pretty sweet.
Grand Rapids, MI
Yay Anne!
(I apologize for things I've missed and didn't mention... {{}} for everyone who requested it this weekend.)
I'm just going to ignore the whole conversation about dog drool, snot, and other bodily fluids, okay? Instead, I bring you a comment from my pseudo-sib about running around with me on Saturday:
At Northgate we stopped by the make-up stand outside of Nordstrom. At seeing Jilli approach I swear the girls at the counter stood up a bit straighter. I was like they were getting a visit from someone from the Home Office of Gothic Command.
Cash, dude, we should totally f2f, if there's time.
I am getting sick. Dammmit.
Nora, take care of yourself.
{{JZ}} I'm sorry to hear about your Grandfather, but I would love to hear more about your Grandfather.
This is just a drive-by on borrowed computer time to mention that my DH beat his time from last year in the Wildflower 1/2 Ironman, despite going through four bicycle tubes this year! (One tire change before the race, and two during the ride.) I'm redonkulously proud. Now, however, I look forward to him gaining some of the weight back that he lost, because his butt disappeared and I miss it.
Cash, dude, we should totally f2f, if there's time.
I was thinking about that, erika. It will depend on DH's meeting schedule and his deep-seated desire to skip a day of meetings and drive up to Vegas for an overnight. I think I talked him down to Laughlin for Monday night (maybe). But I know he's in some daytime meetings Tuesday (the 17th) that will give me a couple of hours of free time. And we're staying at a resort type place with a water park, if you want to come over for that. I'll drop you an e at the profile addy and see what we can cook up.
That sounds cool. My business trips usually involve working 12-16 hours a day and don't leave any time for stuff.
erika, insent.
That sounds cool. My business trips usually involve working 12-16 hours a day and don't leave any time for stuff.
We're talking about actuaries, here, Gud. They've got a few meetings and stuff, but plenty of time for recreation. Besides, I don't have to attend ANY meetings--just lounge by the pool. Especially since this is our first vacation sans baby.
Not my fault, Nora! I was nowhere near you!
So it turns out we should have stayed through the credits. But what with all the annoying people, I just wanted out as soon as possible. Must see again, possibly with a geekier crowd.