There was an Annabelle along with Annabel in the toddler nursery today. At least this is the only other one we've met--not like the gaggle of Zachs and Jacks in the male portion of her age cohort. And I still like our spelling better. It's older-school.
My take on Natter v. Bitches? I go to Natter if I have a question about fighting or horses for my novel. I go to Bitches if I've found some gorgeous knicknack related to my novel that I just have to show someone and grump about being too poor to buy it.
Maybe it was flirting with you, Cass.
sj, the sun finally came out, here. I hope it's out in your area too, and that you keep feeling better.
Cass, that's too funny.
We had the same amount of French in high school. I'd respond in Spanish, which I did take, iffn I could remember any of it.
Yo tambien y no hablo español bien. Mas despacio, por favor. Quiero una siesta. Quiero cerveza. Quiero una vacaciones.
As he was putting it together, he sang the following song, inspired by a BTVS-themed fake driver's license for Spike that Cindy sent him long ago and which is one of his greatest treasures:
Everybody's ni-ice to-oo Mister Spi-ike
Everybody likes me 'cause I'm Mister Spi-ike
Everybody's happy liking Mister 'Spi-ike
♥ Emmett is the coolest.
My mother even wants the Emmett report. She's a fan.
No te enojas. No vale la pena.
Not surprisingly, no vale la pena is my favorite idiom ever.
largely b/c the Chinese is never explained (and I've watched the original 2-part pilot through....the one where Mal gets married-but-not-really, and there's been no explanation as to why they all swear in Chinese, and sorry, but that bugs).
It's never explained on the show, maybe, but Joss's explanation is that in the future, America and China are the two superpowers, such that everyone from the bottom of the social ladder to the very top knows a bit of Mandarin.
Hmm. I think having to find that out from a source outside of the teevee makes it a weak element. Everything the viewer needs to know should be accessible through the show itself; granted, not everything must be spelled out in 50-foot-high anvils, and not everything must be revealed in the first episode, but as a viewer, I expect it to eventually be explained on the show itself.
I never felt a lack of explanation ... well, okay, it
explained, but I just thought "Huh. The Chinese must have gained cultural or political power between now and then." and figured the
of that gaining may or may not be interesting to tell.
I'm with Tep. And that whole "Let's get in the spaceship, consarn it," tone gets on my wick sometimes. But maybe I'm just sad nobody's made "Space Balmer" yet.
Oh, God, an asteroid hit Mount and Fayette...