Can't blame a poor gremlin for trying.
The sad thing, it actually sounded *exactly* like what it was. I just figured that since I was alone and they were put away in a box, couldn't be *that*... Imagine how red my face is/was now.
Glad you feel better sj.
sj, the rest of your Sunday sounds more interesting than mine. I'm trying to convince myself to go to the gym, after which I need to grab a few groceries, and then vaccum the living room. I forget what color the carpet is.
Since the trailer for Serenity was released (which yes, I watched), and it struck me that the movie looks pretty interesting, I thought that maybe I didn't give the TV show a fair shake. Thanks to the magic of Blockbuster, I rented the DVDs this weekend.
It's not as offputting as I remember, I'll say that. And Simon is very pretty. And Adam Baldwin is a sexy bitch, though it took his role on Angel to make me realize that. I still dislike his character.
I still hate the Western-type phrases and the Chinese epithets, largely b/c the Chinese is never explained (and I've watched the original 2-part pilot through....the one where Mal gets married-but-not-really, and there's been no explanation as to why they all swear in Chinese, and sorry, but that bugs).
Also, every planet they land on to do business seems to be a cousin of Middle Earth, with the dancing and the fiddling and whatnot. I keep waiting to see Frodo.
I feel bad for not liking the show as much as most people do, like I'm a big traitor. And yet, the movie actually looks interesting. I can't explain that.
Hee! I can only imagine going "What on earth are my neighbors doing that sounds like a vibrator??".
Argh. Am really getting pissy at girl who shows up to meetings late. I mean, yes, I know you do. But when I tell you I have a plane to catch? I'd appreciate you being at least VAGUELY on time.
sj, hope you feel better, and soon.
Cass, you just killed me with laughter. I have to admit, that happened to me in the not too recent past. Of course, I was more pissed at a perfectly good waste of batteries than embarassed at the cause of the noise.
largely b/c the Chinese is never explained (and I've watched the original 2-part pilot through....the one where Mal gets married-but-not-really, and there's been no explanation as to why they all swear in Chinese, and sorry, but that bugs).
It's never explained on the show, maybe, but Joss's explanation is that in the future, America and China are the two superpowers, such that everyone from the bottom of the social ladder to the very top knows a bit of Mandarin.
God, my fucking neck hurts.
The Chinese grew on me over time. Rather like Frell! or Frak! in other series, except more phases to learn.
Hi! Busy girl as usual. {{all}}
Happy Birthday, Eddie! Also, I think I missed Nova Gris's birthday yesterday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I tend to post my thoughts in Natter and my feelings in Bitches (but as Cindy implied, nothing's exlcusive). Also, although this is probably not relaly true, I tend to think of Bitches as the early morning crew and Natter as the night time crew.
Of course, I was more pissed at a perfectly good waste of batteries
I thought it had died though. It's the Lazarus vibe. Or scored some Viagra maybe.
I can only imagine going "What on earth are my neighbors doing that sounds like a vibrator??".
Exactly this. I even asked the cats (or talked to myself, whichever sounds less crazy) a few times.
The embarressment was mostly how long it took me to figure out what happened/that sound was. I think the vacuum must have performed its own sort of percusive maintenance when I vacuumed under the bed.
Today was the day my doula has a picnic where she invites all current and former clients. It was a lot of fun to see all these babies and other pregnant women. I mentioned that a friend had just had a baby recently and that she jokingly referred to her as a "breast barnacle." Everyone thought it was the funniest and most accurate thing they had ever heard. Of course, I gave all the credit to Plei.