JZ, mortality is hateful. I am sorry you are hurting and am so sorry for your loss. I hate that small, cold, hollow feeling.
Someone upthread linked to a story saying Leif had competition for Kara--there was a three year old in Queens (?) who while his mom was out buying a new lock (because he'd figured out how to open the door) and his dad was napping, hopped on a bus, paid for it, snuck into the movie theater to watch Robots. That's DAMN smart, for a three year old.
Oh my word, it's Chris. I hope the mother kicked the father in the head for napping when he was home with Houdini, after they'd already discovered the kid knew how to get out of the house.
In similar news, this makes me laugh, and think of Deena: [link]
Thanks, meara! That was fricking HI-larious. Poor woman. If anything, I'm tempted to send her some money for an occassional babysitter, so she doesn't put them up for sale again.
It was hilarious, but I'm more inclined to send her money for a better custody lawyer, if the father really has coke habit. And if he really has a coke habit, I'm wondering how she ever decided she could leave them with him for 9 days, while she went to Cancun.
Oh, {{{JZ}}} I am so very sorry for your loss.
It's morning. I feel hung over or something. Isn't that how it always is after a rough night?
I'm sorry for the rough night, vw. I hope the day is better for you.
Someone kick me out the door. I have to get Chris, Julia and myself to Ben's baseball game in 11 minutes. Scott and Ben left early, because there's pre-game practice, but I just can't get myself moving.
Kick! Kick!
Actually, I don't want you to go :) I want to chat more. But, your kids come first, so get, you sexy baseball mom!
{{JZ}}. Bless you, your Cappy and all your relations.
I honestly believe that cold, small, hollow feeling...I know what that has felt like for me...is the stage just before we are filled with the warm, expansive spirit of our loved ones. The missing can be terrible and the having in our hearts can be wonderful and forever.
{{JZ}} All my love to you, sweetness.
then a face-dive back to the comfort of the boob.
Somewhere in Egypt, Fay is muttering, "Like mother, like daughter."
JZ, I'm so sorry.
It's gray and stormy and I want to go back to sleep.
My old boss just sent me new pictures of her son. I think this one is just priceless: [link]
Me too, Ginger.
I haven't told Kara about either Leif or the boy who went to the movies. I'm afraid she'd decide to hop a bus to go visit them.
Since she is such a busy girl, early on we installed the doorknob covers so she couldn't get into certain rooms our out the front door.
Yesterday she taught herself how to remove them. Her daddy can't even remove them (or put them back). It's been interesting, though she hasn't yet escaped out the front door.
Aww, baby and champagne. Adorable.