now for the domestic/fabric hive mind. I have a denim slip cover that color wise, no longer fit my decor. It is also faded from the sun in spots. Can I bleach it to a more even color and then redye in the sage green I am looking for? ( the fabric is in really good shape)
I don't think there is a way to bleach & dye it evenly.
Oh, that kind of doomed is the very best kind.
Jilli, I can burn you a copy of the whole CD if you want it.
Hivemind question of a different kind: So baristas make coffee, yes? Is there a male and female version of this word/term? Or is it one-sex-fits-all?
t /non-coffee-drinker
Jilli, I can burn you a copy of the whole CD if you want it.
Squeeeee! Oh, that would be fab. That album was a huge part of my childhood. I must torture Pete with it by dancing around the kitchen and singing along with it. Loudly.
Hivemind question of a different kind: So baristas make coffee, yes? Is there a male and female version of this word/term? Or is it one-sex-fits-all?
I believe it's a one-sex-fits-all type of term.
t random
I filled up the Mom-mobile for the first time today.
Yoinks, Aimee! How's the back?
Back sucks, thanks. It was good this morning but the more I sit, the more it hurts. Must to go home and ice the hell out of it.
t /complainy girl
I believe it's a one-sex-fits-all type of term.
Thanks. Also, insent to your profile address.
Back sucks, thanks.
Does that work better for you than long hot shower? I always go for heat myself. {{{Empress's back}}}
You might be able to try color remover on the denim before dying. You buy it where you get dye.
(Not here, working, kick me if you see me again.)
Does that work better for you than long hot shower? I always go for heat myself.
Normally, I go for the heat, but I'm under instructions from the duck to use ice to tone down the inflammation.
They [greyhounds] come up to me all delicate, warm, and graceful with a look of, "I'm ever so pretty. Please pet me."
This is it exactly. There's a ginger-colored greyhound here named, of all things, Ginger. If I'm running late to work, I often meet her with her person on their morning walk. I was never enamoured of greyhounds before, but she is soooo soft.
This is why I hate cars.
I've felt low and depressed for ages and I was just having a good conversation about oldtime soccer with a friend/colleague and I went off to get coffee feeling really upbeat, enthusiastic and positive for no reason, like a load had lifted off my shoulders.
This is great! Enjoy!
Harper Lee is doing a signing at my building next week for the 50th anniversary of the LA Central Library.
I think I may be done with the !! now, and I release them into the wild.