I'm afraid I'm with Teppy on "Sin City." Not so much for the unending spiral of violence as a way to spend my off hours.
I appreciate Miller's stuff, but I'm also afraid "Sin City" might run into the same problems I saw with "Sky Captain"--they were so busy making it look new and hip and different that they didn't notice the story had no depth. When I think of "Sky Captain," it's like something I remember dreaming, hazy and colorless, and there wasn't enough meat in it to do more than "Well, that looks interesting."
I imagine "Sin City's" not going to have much problem with meat (red, juicy meat), but I'm afraid the look will get in the way of the story.
(I'm aware this would probably be better in Movies, but hey)
You don't listen to what I say or advise you. Shut up, I'm sick of hearing your petty shit.
I think you're probably justified in saying this right now in a nicer way.
I've heard it- it made me sit up and pay attention like no amount of previously discarded advice had. It stung, sure. I didn't talk to that person for a while, but he was a friend and he was around after I pulled my head out of my ass.
Blargh. Good one.
CANNOT ever hear that song any more without thinking of that scene.
Huh. None of the violence in Sin City affected me at all, because I couldn't get past the adolescent machismo in the writing. I had a really hard time making it through the one book I finished, actually, because the writing was just so bad. (DH saw the film yesterday, and basically said, Jess, don't see this in theatres, you'll be bored out of your skull.)
Hey Aimee, that was helpful. What kind of crap are you trying to pull there, missy? Improve your friends/colleagues' lot in life or what?
I know - I'm such a bitch.
Speaking of which, Cindy! Hey!
t offended
t not really
CANNOT ever hear that song any more without thinking of that scene.
Also can't ever see Michael Madsen in anything (including Free Willy), wtihout spending the whole time expecting him to cut off somebody's ear and pour gasoline all over them.
Also can't ever see Michael Madsen in anything (including Free Willy), wtihout spending the whole time expecting him to cut off somebody's ear and pour gasoline all over them.
I am now picturing this scene in Free Willy and laughing like a drain.