Huh. None of the violence in Sin City affected me at all, because I couldn't get past the adolescent machismo in the writing. I had a really hard time making it through the one book I finished, actually, because the writing was just so bad. (DH saw the film yesterday, and basically said, Jess, don't see this in theatres, you'll be bored out of your skull.)
Hey Aimee, that was helpful. What kind of crap are you trying to pull there, missy? Improve your friends/colleagues' lot in life or what?
I know - I'm such a bitch.
Speaking of which, Cindy! Hey!
t offended
t not really
CANNOT ever hear that song any more without thinking of that scene.
Also can't ever see Michael Madsen in anything (including Free Willy), wtihout spending the whole time expecting him to cut off somebody's ear and pour gasoline all over them.
Also can't ever see Michael Madsen in anything (including Free Willy), wtihout spending the whole time expecting him to cut off somebody's ear and pour gasoline all over them.
I am now picturing this scene in Free Willy and laughing like a drain.
MM is a lot less threatening with bad botox and a neon shirt.
What the.....??
t /Miracleman likes carrots
Am I the only freak who would push past the pain?
(considers spot on file marked "Found coffin sex erotic.")
Ok, yeah. Never mind.