I have some friends of mine with a boy about to turn one at the end of this month and they've been signing to him. I don't think he's signed back to them yet, but they've said he seems to understand a lot of the signs made to him.
I swear I was *this* close to giving up. It's really hard to tell if you're getting through. Persistence pays off.
That is so cool Cashmere. Just like any language I have forgotten most of the signing I knew as a kid from lack of use. When I see my friend's parents I fall to the old standby of speaking slowly and mouthing well mixed with a few signs. They are a whole lot better at reading lips than I am at signing, but they are like virtual parents to me and always praise my attempts.
That is very cool, Cashmere!
Hey Perky! How's the moving going? A place for everything and everything in its place?
I have most of the furniture in it's intended place, but I have unpacked about 4 out of 50 million boxes.
Everything got here safely though, so that is good.
Everything there safely is good.
DH#1 was a freak about getting unpacked instantly and putting all the stuff where it should go immediately upon arrival. We moved a lot. He was a super neat freak. I've been in this house 6 years and really not quite unpacked yet. It could be that my slovenly procrastinating ways could be in part rebelling still.
I've been in this house 6 years and really not quite unpacked yet.
Laura is me. Or I am Laura.
Except for not living in Florida, having kids, or being married to the very large man.
I believe I still have boxes in the basement. I know I have some in the upstairs closet. There's no room to put them away since they're mostly books and we'll never have enough bookshelves.
Go Owen! That's so exciting, Cashmere.
I have work to finish so I can play tomorrow. Urgh.
eta: Kara and Leif just sank in. That would be something else.
Ah Seanie my twin, you just made me laugh out loud. And with the smile on my face I'm calling it a night, because it's late my time, and kids mean early wake up.
It's very easy to get Deaf kids to shush--just turn out the lights. :)
Argh. I intended to go to bed early tonight, cause I was tired today, and I have an appointment early tomorrow, but noooo, it's already 11:30. Doh.