Thus, during this time period, Satan's seed had polluted Eve's seed. The fallen angels trembled because of their transgressions and asked Enoch to act as a mediator for them with God. However, God informed Enoch that the apostasy of the angels was too great for forgiveness and they were to be judged. The Watchers aside from taking wives had corrupted the pure nature of Man by teaching him magical arts and warlike ways. Consequently they were to be cast into Tartarus and their spawn, the Nephilim, were also judged and it was determined that their bodies were to return to the earth in peace but their souls were doomed to wander the earth forever as wandering spirits. The Interlinear Hebrew Bible tells us that the benei Elohim, the sons of God, the Watchers, used the daughters of Adam as 'fit extensions', that is, as desirable means or instruments through which they extended themselves into the physical world. The spawn of this unholy union was the Nephilim, the giants of the antediluvian world that threatened both the physical and spiritual health of humanity. The 'sons of God' used the 'daughters of Adam' to corrupt human evolution by mating with them and producing degenerate races that threatened the Divine plan for humanity. They sought to corrupt the bloodline of Adam, to deceive the human race, and sought to prevent the Incarnation of Christ by polluting the race of Judah.
I sense a sitcom....
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