when Noah and his family are the only humans left.
At least his sons were already married at that point, so incest? Yes, but not as bad.
Although, I was taught that Adam & Eve were the first, but not necessarily the only, humans. So, their kids could have married the others.
And this guy was spared?
I don't understand people who take the Bible literally. On the other hand, I'm a non-believer so I suppose my opinion is pretty skewed.
Oh! I forgot about the Noah incest, but that wasn't as bad, I mean, he took his sons in law and daughters in law, so yes there was some inbreeding but that's not as bad as Adam and Eve's children getting it on with each other.
So this is where VC Andrews got her story ideas.
Not anything about my cousins, but such matches were acceptable for much more of history than sibling matches.
Were there other brothers?
Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters, according to Josephus. Who turned out to be right about Masada when no one believed him, so, hey, maybe he knew.
Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters, according to Josephus. Who turned ou to be right about Masada when no one believed him, so, hey, maybe he knew.
So 10 of his sons knew not of womanly affection?
There's a fairly famous pagan essay entitled "We Are The Other People" that addresses the whole incest/Eden thing. (In the context of How To Get Jehovah's Witnesses To Leave You Alone.)
At some point, the sons of Earth married the daughters of Men.
GAH. Why am I big with the double-post?