Galen believed that women have “imperfect semen” that is “scantier, colder, and wetter” than male semen because it springs from “smaller, less perfect testes.”
I'll accept the idea that women have smaller, less perfect testes than men, if I can also accept the idea that men have smaller, less perfect ovaries than women.
I'll at least try for equal opportunity screwy.
Oh, they were completely screwy in their "logic." I'm taking a medieval women's lit class and we started off by reading the Classical and patristic traditions of antifeminist and misogynist writings. Bunch a wackaloons.
You'd think that at some point, one of their wives would have stepped in and pointed out the major flaw in this theory.
Their wives probably said, "Whatever, it keeps him out of the kitchen."
Oh, they were completely screwy in their "logic."
For a long time people believed that men had one less rib than women. Because it said so in the Bible, so there was no need to actually count or anything.
Did the bible say so? I mean, did it say how many ribs Eve got? Also -- did god use just one rib, or was he symmetrical?
One of my favorites was a patristric guy (can't remember which one right now) who thought that menstrual blood could kill vegetation and melt iron.
But, keep in mind that he was a priest who had no direct dealings with women and that one of the purposes of this misogynistic, patristric crap was in order to promote the newly estabished institution of celibacy. Dear god, if menstrual blood can melt iron, why would you put your dick in there? Much better to be celibate and become a priest.
Not worth saying twice. Probably not even once.
Dear god, if menstrual blood can melt iron, why would you put your dick in there?
More to the point, why aren't women out there smithing for all it's worth? Charcoal is EXPENSIVE, you know.
More to the point, why aren't women out there smithing for all it's worth?
This is giving me a whole new set of images around Excalibur and the Lady and the Lake and the stone.
Did the bible say so? I mean, did it say how many ribs Eve got? Also -- did god use just one rib, or was he symmetrical?
Well, people inferred it from the Bible (but the Bible didn't actually say that). As God took one of Adam's ribs to make Eve out of. People assumed that all men after Adam would have the missing rib too.