I've always wondered how the homunculus theory lasted as long as it did, what with the rather obvious fact that children tend to resemble both parents. Of course, I had a friend in high school tell me, AFAICT in all seriousness, that I was wrong when I said I looked more like my dad because girls always looked like their mothers.
There was a folk belief around the 18th century that a mother's thoughts at the time of conception could imprint themselves on her child. So if you were committing adultery, just be sure to imagine your husband's features at the critical moment, and he'll never know it's not his kid!
vw, just remember that the whole point of school is to get an education, not an average. No one you meet for the rest of oyur life EVER will care about a single grade you got in a single class--they'll care about how you use the knowledge you gained.
Oh, I know. It's just...a "4.0" is so pretty. I'm not upset with my grade. It's still quite good, and will probably remain that way. Just to clarify...
You're an incredible student--motivated, hard-working and bright--I bet all your professors feel lucky to have you in class.
Wrod. I had two incompletes and finished with 3.2, fwiw.
I wish there had been time for either:
or Back-breaking but resume enhancing internship.
that a mother's thoughts at the time of conception could imprint themselves on her child.
... or if she was startled by something while pregnant, the child would have a mark on it in the shape of the thing that startled her. Also, ugly people who stared at her would make the child ugly, etc. etc.
I ended up with a 3.67 and a 3.77, and most employers have been highly impressed. I even got a D on one class (thus the 3.67).
There was a folk belief around the 18th century that a mother's thoughts at the time of conception could imprint themselves on her child.
I don't know if anyone else has read the book Papa's Daughter (by whom I can't recall), but a set of twins (I think) with bright red hair was born to the mother in the story. They "realized" the unlucky color was caused by the woman sitting behind a family of red-heads every Sunday throughout the pregnancy.
...or if she was online when the child was conceived, the child would bear the mark of Windows....
Has the Gothic Garden been referenced here yet? It looks rather nifty, in a Chia-Goth kinda way.