I ended up with a 3.67 and a 3.77, and most employers have been highly impressed. I even got a D on one class (thus the 3.67).
There was a folk belief around the 18th century that a mother's thoughts at the time of conception could imprint themselves on her child.
I don't know if anyone else has read the book Papa's Daughter (by whom I can't recall), but a set of twins (I think) with bright red hair was born to the mother in the story. They "realized" the unlucky color was caused by the woman sitting behind a family of red-heads every Sunday throughout the pregnancy.
...or if she was online when the child was conceived, the child would bear the mark of Windows....
Has the Gothic Garden been referenced here yet? It looks rather nifty, in a Chia-Goth kinda way.
What is most disturbing is that it looks like the M&M is chained at the wrists.
So, more of an S&M, really.
whispers to self "I will not go see if there is M&M slash. I will not go see if there is M&M slash."
vw, if it makes you feel any better at all, I had about a 1.5 average over my college career, and eventually dropped out and never finished.
You're doing way better than I ever did.
whispers to self "I will not go see if there is M&M slash. I will not go see if there is M&M slash."
Red/Yellow, baby! OTM&MP.
Red/Yellow, baby! OTM&MP.
Poor Green - she gets all the girls going, but no M&M will show her the love.
Eh, I hear Green is just a tease.
t edit
Make that an M-tease.
Okay, candiphilia is just TOO FAR!!! The two of you go present yourself to your local constabulary AT ONCE, and demand they lock you up for YOUR EVIL SICKNESS!