The Rimers of Eldritch is being put on by Eclipse Theatre (at the Victory Garden's studio space) and they always do great work.
A very good (if very dense) Lanford Wilson play, which I starred in back in high school. While everybody else's high school drama classes were doing calorie-free mountings of crowd pleasing standards, we were doing meaty plays like Rimers of Eldritch. This is the kind of high school I went to.
Just show me where to get naked for Jasmine.
Surprisingly, it looks like this is the location for the naked Jasmine apocalypse lineup.
Curiously, not LA at all. How odd.
I hope that you're not going to the Art Institute on the weekend -- because THAT Seurat room will be CROWDED.
Maybe I can work it so I do that on Friday, then. I honestly don't even know that I'll be able to convince my friend to go, but I ought to be able to bully him into it.
Sean, we* did Rimers, too. It was a hell of a show.
*(By "we," I need to specify that I went to an all-girls' school, and I did theatre with our "brother" all-boys' school.)
Also, About Face Theatre is doing Take Me Out which I've heard fantastic things about.
HELL of a show, even if you don't like baseball (which I don't). Also, pretty naked men. Seriously, though, the love for the baseball comes over so pure and true that I caught myself liking baseball for a little bit after the show. And then I promptly killed those brain cells.
juliana, you have to surrender to the poetry of the game -- that's the secret. Baseball is a beautiful thing.
I'm with juliana. For me, while I see the appeal of musclely legs in tight pants, baseball is a boring thing,
the poetry of the game -- that's the secret. Baseball is a beautiful thing.
So is hockey (when they're not fucking striking), and hockey moves faster.
No, seriously, I can appreciate why people love it so. It's a game of numbers and of heart. However, for me, it's way too slow. I prefer my poetry set to a punk rock beat.
I don't know if it's close to what he means, but google has some connectiony stuff.
I'm not sure if that's what he means either, but it's connected enough that I forwarded the link to him.